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30th Birthday Celebration Ideas

30th Birthday Celebrations

As many of you may know, I turned the big 30 last year, and this year I had to plan my boyfriend's 30th birthday celebrations. Having had my boyfriend organise mine the year previous, it made my life a little easier when arranging his. However, organising a big birthday celebration can be stressful. Depending on what you do there can be a lot of logistics to think about - people, dates, timings, food, drinks, activities, cost. The list goes on!

We spent a week in the countryside for my birthday, just the two of us, enjoying the great outdoors. And although I had a couple of other wonderful celebrations with family and friends, it was this trip that I loved.

Living busy schedules means that we often don't get to spend quality time just the two of us, so it was extra special going away together. I had organised part of the trip, but a large portion of it was a complete surprise. The best surprise of which, was a lovely spa break! Months before, I had been looking at spa breaks in Chester, and not really thinking that my boyfriend was taking any notice. Much to my surprise, he had obviously clocked my efforts and noted it down for future use. He then booked us a fantastic spa day where were treated to a couple's massage, lunch and full use of the spa facilities.

Bathroom Decor

It was the most relaxing day, and it made me realise that self care is very important. I'm not one to pamper myself on a regular basis, so this R&R was very much needed.

For his birthday we did something similar, but instead of just the two of us, I organised a trip to the countryside with his closest friends. We hired a huge Airbnb and enjoyed 2 nights surrounded by fields, with plenty of sports, board games and activities. The fresh air, the relaxation and being surrounded by the ones you care about most, was really important.

Which brings me nicely to my top tips for planning a big birthday celebration. We often over think things and try to please everyone (I know I'm terrible for it). But actually, our favourite celebrations were thinking about ourselves, taking time out and relaxing!

30th Birthday Ideas:

  • Spa Break

As I've said, the spa break was amazing. Whether it's an overnight stay, a day out, or simply just a massage or facial, it's so important to take care of number 1. We all live very busy lives, work long hours, often feel overwhelmed, which makes it even more necessary to think of yourself.

Every time I have a massage, the masseuse says I need to have them more regularly. Maybe this is a sales tactic, but I do believe that my back and neck are particularly tight due to having an office job. Every time I have a massage, I enjoy it so much and I feel instantly relived. There's really nothing better!

Peak District

  • Spend time in the countryside

There really is nothing better than being in the great outdoors. If you live in a city like we do, it becomes even more important. I crave greenery, fresh air and open spaces. I absolutely love going on camping trips (okay, glamping!), or spending weekends taking long walks, and exploring more of this wonderful country we call home.

The UK has so much beauty to offer, which I often think we take for granted. There are some truly stunning places here. Our favourites so far have been Scotland and Lake District. But I'd love to see more - especially Ireland and Wales.

Time spent in the countryside is so good for both your body and mind. It's important to switch off and reset from time to time. And what better time to book a weekend or week away, than for a big birthday?

Peak District

Airbnb Norfolk

  • Surround yourself with people you love

Something I've learned over the years is to prioritise the people you truly care about. Who makes you laugh uncontrollably? Who's there for you when you need someone to lean on? Who asks you questions about yourself? I'm a people pleaser and have myself trying to do too much in the past. Trying to see too many friends or keep in touch with too many people, which isn't always possible. Over the years I've drifted from some friendships but tightened others. Which is fine. In fact, it's good. We should all surround ourselves with people we truly love to be around.

A big birthday like your 30th, is the perfect opportunity to spend quality time with these friends. They'll be much more inclined to go the extra mile for you if they're a true friend. Having that time in the countryside, renting a house with the best people, creates the best memories that you'll cherish forever.

30th Birthday Celebrations

Outside of this, I would always prioritise great food and drinks (of course)! But otherwise, for me, these three things are fundamental to my self care.

What do you prioritise when you think about yourself? How would you like to spend a special birthday?