Honest Burger Brunch
Last weekend we had plans to meet a friend on Sunday for a late brunch/early lunch. We met said friend in Australia, he now lives in New Zealand and was back in the UK for a couple of weeks visiting family. Not being from London we wanted to go somewhere that was not only good, but somewhere only available in London. As if by magic an email dropped into our inboxes from Timeout advertising a brunch deal for Honest Burger!
Not only do we both love Honest Burger, but we were both equally surprised and intrigued to hear they were offering a brunch menu. The deal was great - £15 for brunch and a jug of cocktail available to use until 1pm at a number of their branches around London. So we immediately bought three and headed to Kings Cross.
Now, in hindsight we probably didn’t need three vouchers. In fact, we shared two of the vouchers between the three of us, and paid for the extra dish separately, as the cocktail jugs are HUGE. There was definitely no way I could’ve finished one to myself. But it’s no loss, as the voucher is valid until the end of August. So now we have the excuse (as if we needed one) to head there again some time over summer to share the remaining voucher.
Now to the menu. If you’ve ever eaten at Honest Burger before I’m sure you will agree that their burgers are TO DIE FOR! I’m not a massive burger fan and I really can’t put my finger on what is so special about their burgers. You just have to trust me! One thing I do know is that their rosemary chips are the best chips I’ve ever had… EVER! You know the ones, they look like chip shop chips, but with much less grease, just the right amount of salt and a healthy dose of beautiful rosemary. Delicious!
I have to admit, as much as I love Honest Burger, I was doubtful of their brunch menu. Can they make a breakfast burger? Hell yeah they can. Does it come with rosemary salted chips? Hell yeah it does. And for the not so burger friendly of you, they have classics including avocado on toast. Which to be fair, is also jazzed up in an only ‘Honest Burger’ way of adding chorizo and a fried egg, with guacamole rather than classic smash avo.
This was tempting me and I thought I was going for it until in the last few seconds I changed my mind and picked their ‘pork & eggs’. I never normally make a move like this. But it paid off. I’m sure the guac/chorizo combo is equally as delicious but the pork and eggs were damn tasty. The dish is comprised of a pork steak, bubble and squeak, a perfectly runny fried egg, a pot of baked beans and ‘breakfast gravy’.

I don’t know what the secret recipe to their beans and gravy is, but damn I should’ve asked for it. Both of them had a little bit of kick and were unlike any other bean or gravy combo I’d tasted before. The boys were very jealous of my choice. They both went for the brunch burger, which was a solid choice. It was 12.30pm by time we ate and the burger most definitely didn’t let Honest’s reputable reputation down. It was super yummy and it came with the world renowned chips, that I’ve mentioned far too many times in this post!
Although mine clearly one, for its originality and unique flavourings, I’m glad Stew got a burger… As this meant I could help myself to some of his chips. And my god didn’t they taste even more spectacular dipped in the mystery gravy!

I don’t know what more you need from me to lap this deal up, so here it is on Timeout. You’re welcome!