Sweet Monday

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Pizza Union, Kings Cross

Pizza Union Kings Cross

Last week Stew and I popped to Pizza Union, near Kings Cross, afterwork for a pizza date! With a branch also at Spitalfields, Pizza Union is a great place to grab dinner with friends. Unusual for London, it's very reasonable with all pizza's ranging from just £3.95 to £6.50. All of which are handmade with an open kitchen, in a fire-baked oven. And the best bit? They're thin and crispy, Roman style. My favourite!
We opted for their Pollo (pictured in the bottom of the photo above), which has a chicken, mixed pepper, mozzarella and thyme topping. Plus the Manzo which has a beef, garlic, green chilli, rocket and mozzarella topping. The Manzo has a bit of a kick to it, but I liked the spice. It was easily washed down with a glass of white wine ;)

Pizza Union LondonSweet Monday

The menu is simple at Pizza Union, with 15 pizza's available. It's really all in the name! However, they do also offer some light snack for starters, if you're so hungry that you can't wait for your pizza. These include mixed olives and spicy corn. The corn was something I hadn't tried before. It has a hard crunchy texture, but I liked it.
You can also buy side salads, and we chose the Antica for some green goodness on the side. These range from £2.95 to £3.95 in price.
And lastly drinks - you can choose from beer, white or red wine, or soft drinks. Simple! If you're heading with a group of friends I would recommend buying a bottle of Prosecco. Unfortunately it's not sold by the glass, but a bottle will only set you back £16. Bargain!

Pizza UnionSweet MondayPizza Union Kings Cross

I don't know if the Spitalfields location is the same, but the Kings Cross branch has a cool warehouse feel to it, with metal piping on display, bare brickwork and neon signs. The tables are long with plenty of chairs, so expect to sit next to others. This again adds to the casual vibe, and friendly atmosphere.
Kings Cross/St Pancras is a busy station, and is often a meeting point between friends and partners. So Pizza Union would make a great pit stop :)

New London restaurants