A Look Back at 2012

Me, Steph and Michelle at TOWIB in January
In 2011 I started to attend my first couple of events and got to meet a few lovely bloggers, however this year I've really made some true friends.By not just going to press events, but also blogger parties and meet ups I have met lots and lots of lovely bloggers. Some I have been luckily enough to meet up with a few times now and we have formed real friendships.
Steph, Lily and I at Bristol Fashion Week in March

Me and Becca at the Tights Please event

Tights Please Blogger Event

Me, Ella and Lyzi at Lily's birthday picnic in London.

Lyzi and Michelle

Me, Lyzi and Lily

Amie and I at Nandos in Bristol

Selina, Clare, me and Steph at the My Celebrity Fashion event in September

Me and Rosie at the Motel event at Mahiki

Me and Rosie at Wagamama's in Leamington Spa

Sarah, Rosie, Katy and I in Leamington Spa on a weekend away with lots of lovely bloggers.

Eloise, Maria, me, Claire, Becca, Rebecca and Victoria at the Christmas market in Birmingham

Sophie, Paige, Amy, Emily, Megan and Steph at the bloggers Christmas tea party this month.

Me and Katy at the bloggers Christmas party in Bristol.

The amount of times I've confided in Steph, ate Wagamama's with Michelle, flirted with Katy and talked about life with Rosie has been brilliant :D
I've been to new places like Leamington Spa, met lots of new people, had fun days out at Christmas markets and picnics in London. All in all 2012 has been a great year for meeting new people and making friends for life!
I really would say if you ever get to go to a blogger meet up, do it! I know it can be scary going on your own, but honestly everyone is always so down to earth and just lovely lovely people, it's well worth it.
Here's to many more meet ups in 2013! Thank you to everyone who has got to know me this year and been a friend, you're all the best girls!!
I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating New Year tonight, I'm off to see Sub Focus in Bristol woo!

Moving Out For The First Time


Paris at Christmas