Nike 1948 Relaunch

(photo courtesy of Alex at TDS)
Yesterday was spent in East London at the re-opening of 1948; a store, gallery space and social meeting point all in one.
Never having been to an event like this before I wasn't sure what to expect and was pretty blown away.
1948 boasts the lastest in Nike Sportswear, and showcases a small niche collection of only the best products.
It's re-opening was a great occasion and I was luckily enough to go with my boyfriend Chris. We spent the night drinking cocktails, munching on canapes and listening to some pretty good music by dj's including Jamie XX and SBTRKT.
Not being an expert on anything to do with sportswear or music, head over to the The Daily Street for more of an idea of what went on and some better photo's than what my poor camera could take.
I do have to add, for all my fellow geeks out there, I spotted Eliza Doolittle hanging with friends and Mr Tempah was stood literally 2 feet in front of me at one point. Sadly no photo's but that pretty much made my night :D ha.
Congrats too the lovey ladies that put this event on and thank you Alex for inviting me and Chris along.

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